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Multiple Sclerosis
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The AUBMC MS Center offers state-of-the-art resources to provide the most advanced specialized care, supported by an extensive program of research and education, in order to improve the lives of patients with MS.
The Center’s mission is to:
patients and their families with compassionate, comprehensive, innovative, and techno
logically advanced care of the highest quality.
clinical and basic research of national and international distinction.
clinicians, investigators, and allied health care providers about MS and to promote the education of our patients, their families and the general public about the disease. The Center is run by renowned clinicians and researchers who are recognized leaders in the field of MS and have achieved international distinction in MS management and discoveries. The AUBMC MS Center is also a leader in MS training, clinical management, and research. The Center’s core mission is to improve the treatments of MS and control disease progression. The staff is committed to working diligently to gain a better understanding of MS in order to give patients with the disease a better quality of life.
The Center’s vision is: "The AUBMC Multiple Sclerosis Center team members seek to use clinical and research expertise in order to advance our ability to diagnose and monitor disease activity, further explore the mechanism of this disease, and discover new therapies to prevent disease progression and promote repair. The MS Center at AUBMC is also committed to training the next generation of clinicians and researchers, who will become the future leaders in the MS field. These combined efforts, in line with AUBMC’s vision, will establish AUBMC as one of the leading academic centers in the region for the investigation and treatment of multiple sclerosis."
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